Unsolicited Testimonial

Best golf irons for senior golfer reviews

Unsolicited Testimonial

-----Original Message-----
From: C. Hiskins [mailto:c_hiskins@eeeeeeeeeeee]
Sent: Saturday, April 14, 2007 2:17 PM
To: Frank@seniorgolfersguide.com
Subject: Senior Golfers Guide

Your golf book should be in the hands of every senior golfer. Seriously.

I bought your ebook a couple weeks ago. I read through the chapters and noted all the tips you've discussed. What a difference it made to my golf!

The thing I'm most pleased about is the way my body feels now - the golf fitness techniques in your eBook have definitely helped me out here.

I highly recommend your guide to any senior golfer who's learning the ropes of the game.

Thank you!
Carl Hiskins

Miami, Florida

This exclusive ebook runs into 243 content-rich pages and contains information on some of the best and most effective tips, tricks, secrets, techniques and strategies for succeeding in your golf game.

What's more, it's is written in a simple, easy-to-understand style and also comes with useful images to better convey certain golfing tips and techniques.

Some of the topics we cover in the 'Senior Golfer's Guide' include:

  • Introduction to golf and a good look at the history of how this game developed.
  • Getting started: An in-depth look into golfing rules, golfing etiquette - all the things to do and NOT to do.
  • Different types of swing techniques that are appropriate for Senior Golfers.
  • Proven game strategies that will allow you to compensate for a lack of distance while still enabling you to compete with the 'Youngsters'
  • Guaranteed solutions to handling awkward situations you will come across on the golf course.
  • Great advice on how to choose clubs, golf balls and other equipment that suits you best (this chapter alone will save you hundreds!) and how to maintain your equipment properly
  • How to take care of your health and fitness the proper way, allowing you to play worry-free golf for years to come.
  • How to find a suitable Golf Coach without wasting your money (this chapter will save you lots, too!).
  • ... and much much more, all delivered right to your computer anywhere in the world!


Unsolicited Testimonial

-----Original Message-----
From: Henry Santos [mailto:santosh@eeeeeeeeeeee]
Sent: Friday, April 20, 2007 5:23 PM
To: Frank@seniorgolfersguide.com
Subject: Golf book

Hi Frank, I bought your ebook about a month ago. I am 76 and was bored in my retirement, so I just picked up golf, started playing in March of this year. I had taken a couple of lessons, but I felt very uncomfortable in the presence of other more experienced golfers.

You book opened my eyes, there were so many things I didn't know - and many I thought I did but were wrong. The knowledge I picked up from your book is just incredible. People already come to me with questions because I know so much, all thanks to your book. I now have great confidence, and I also play quite a decent game. There is still a lot room for improvement, but I truly enjoy my time playing golf now so I will surely get better over time.

Best regards, Henry


Product's Website www.seniorgolfersguide.com